Filling Up the Schedule

Yesterday went well. 

I didn't cry when I dropped the Princess off at the high school for Transition Day. (I'm not promising I won't cry when I drop her off for the first day of school next year!)

I didn't cry when I picked her up and she was wearing the new shirt they gave all the students that said the school name and "Class of 2021"!!!  (So unreal!)

I made it through my speech last night. It was very laid back, and I'm not sure why I haven't been going to the support group over the past two years!  I may start going.... although I'm almost 2 years out from surgery. I may go just to have the group to help keep me motivated when I need it.  Plus, in April, they are discussing smoothie and protein shake recipes.  I need help in that area anyways! 

There were two other people on the panel last night. When we finished talking, the group could ask us questions, but there were only like 3 questions. I really thought there would be more! 

Either way... it was GREAT!  Maybe my next career should be in motivational speaking! I could do that! Maybe if I come up with a good cause (like stopping bullying since I do already have that in my heart--- check out that article here.)

However, transition day and the support group were yesterday!

Today I'm working on our calendar. It just keeps getting fuller! I think we add new stuff every day!

Just in March, we have the Powder Puff Derby (last weekend) for Girl Scouts. We just finished cookie booths. (I think the Princess is around 600 cookies this year!)

We are going to be going to Pigeon Forge (one of my FAVORITE places) so that the Princess can attend Shabbach with the church youth group! 

I guess that doesn't seem like a lot, but it's stressful!

In April, we have Easter. Plus, the Princess has been invited to Open House at Appalachian State University!  She's only in 8th grade, but because she's taking 3 high school classes, she has been invited to come up!  So we are going to that! 

The weekend after that is the Me and My Guy Dance for Girl Scouts. This year it's like a Hollywood Red Carpet event.

The following weekend is her 8th grade semi-formal!  How is this happening?

A couple of weeks later is her 8th grade graduation!

Then it's time for VBS

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to subscribe to my husband's philosophy of "You can sleep when you're dead" for most of this year. 

I'm sure we are going to add more to the schedule.  I have a nephew playing high school baseball, a niece playing travel softball, and another nephew playing college baseball at Pfeiffer University!!  (YES!  They are all siblings!!!) 

I'm going to get everything done.... plus, we have the Better to Give project (check out that post here) that we are doing through Remedy Kidz at church.  Just a note... through the month of March, we are collecting toys for Baby Girls ages 0-3 months!  If you would like to donate toys or money to help us out, please contact me (through comments) or the church at

What's on your schedule?  Is it filling up? 


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