2017 in Review

Now that it's 2018, I thought I'd look back on 2017 and see the good, the bad, and the ugly of it.

It was mostly boring. The "after Christmas" blahs hit.

Since today, is a SNOW DAY in NC, I thought it appropriate to include my post about the first snow in 2017 here

In January 2017, I also decided it was time to move on from things I had been waiting for.  I cleared out some space in my office (and my mind) by Making Room For God's Plan.

Being the awesome Girl Scout mom that I am, I had to figure out how to fix the mess my made by melting CRAYON onto The Princess's brand new Cadette vest (which is light khaki)!!!  Read about that here.


I got older... just like I do in February every year. :)

I was also singing on the Praise Team at church, working in Children's Church, and helping with some big projects (still doing all those too)!!

I was working out consistently and getting my mile time down so I could try to do a 5K. (Still working on that one!)

The Shabbach Youth Conference is in March. The Princess goes with the group, but we got to Pigeon Forge as well.  We call it "limited freedom," but it's basically so we can be there as an extra if the group needs anything.

Easter was here!  It's always busy on Easter because we have family time...with most of the family. We go to Mom and Dad's house and hide eggs (if the weather's ok) for the kids.  In all honesty, the big kids hide them for the little kids. :)  The adults hang out inside resting until time to go watch the littles find the eggs!

In May, Tony and I attended part of the Homeschool Conference.   This year, I hope to go for some of the classes, and I plan to take The Princess. This helped us to make a final decision about homeschooling for this year. (so far...so good! I have posts about that coming!) 

This is where we started making decisions about the actual curriculum to use for this year. 

On Father's Day, we went to Papaw's church (as usual). Spending time with him on Father's Day is awesome. It makes my dad so happy when the family all gets to go there.

We made final choices for homeschool curriculum and started gathering all the parts and pieces we needed. (That proved to be more "fun" that I knew how to handle!)

The Princess turned 14!

She also started having some testing done to see why she was having severe stomach pains.  (Now... they have figured it out and she's doing much better!)

We went to Cherokee, NC, on August 21, for the Total Solar Eclipse. I wrote about the experience (mostly the ride home) about a week later..... it was too funny not to tell the story.  Read it here

August 21 was The Princess's first day of High school and her first day of Homeschool! 

I found out in September that I have arthritis in my right thumb and wrist.   I ended up wearing a brace on my right arm for about 6 weeks.  (That was very fun!)

The Princess was also in her first bowling league starting in late August and early September!

We went to our first Book Signing! We saw Robert Beatty who wrote Serafina and the Black Cloak. The book series is set in the Biltmore House in Asheville, NC.

HALLOWEEN!!!!  My sister brought her kiddos over and we trick-or-treated in the neighborhood.

I started covering a maternity leave at a local middle school.

That's when things started getting really busy.  I was still covering at the middle school.

We had Thanksgiving.

The weekend before Thanksgiving was the Christmas Parade and the Tree Lighting. The Princess got to sing with the Homeschool Chorus Group at the tree lighting.  There are always fireworks right after the tree is lit.  We were standing in the street right beside the parking lot where they were being shot up!  It was AWESOME!


Christmas always brings lots of busy stuff! 

The weekend of Christmas, our church did a program called Our Coming Savior. Check out the link here

Also.... The Princess earned $105 in scholarships from her bowling league accomplishments this season!  I'm so proud of here. 

On New Year's Eve, we "bowled" out the old and in the new with new friends from bowling league. One of the girls in the group got flashing glasses for everyone to bowl in.... it was funny!

Now.... we are in 2018! Lots of things are happening and we are staying busy!

What does your 2017 in Review look like?  Leave a link in the comments so we can see what all you did in 2017!!


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