2018 Goals---February Update

I can't believe that it's March 1st already!  I say this all the time, but HOW does time go by so quickly?

Way back in January, I wrote out my goals for the year.  You can read them here.

At the end of January, I wrote how I was progressing on those goals.  You can read that here.

Now that February has ended already, (again, HOW?!), I can update how my goals are going now.

1. Go ice skating
      I am hoping to do this in Ober Gatlinburg in March.  :) If not, I'll have to find somewhere to do it.  There is an open-air one at Concord Mills Mall at Christmas time.

2. Enter a bowling tournament
      The tournament that Tony and I were supposed to enter...well... we didn't get entered.  That's a good thing. We would have been out the money.  I was very sick that weekend and couldn't have bowled anyways.  There WILL be another tournament, and I will find a way to enter.

3. Go Horseback riding
     Again... I'm hoping the weather will be nice enough to do this in Pigeon Forge.  I love the mountains. I can only imagine how awesome they would be on a trail riding horseback.

4. Have one affiliate program
      I am still working on this. I did have over 1000 views in January.  Plus, I had over 700 views in February.  If I keep blogging consistently, I will be able to build this.

5. Walk/Run/Bike 2018 miles
     Tony and the Princess got me a new FitBit for my birthday!  It's purple.  I am going to get it set up and start using it at work (and home).  I do walk a lot at my part time job at the bowling alley.

6. Do the Krispy Kreme Challenge at NC State Do Something active and charitable.
      Since we didn't do the Krispy Kreme Challenge, we are still working to find something active and charitable to do.

7. Complete a 5K
    Maybe I can combine #6 with this and do the Alzheimer's Walk they have in town every year! 

8. Read 20 books.
      I have now read 3 books. I finished Life of Pi. I also read Booked. I have started Crank and The Westing Game. I will see which one I get finished with first. :)

9. Take a trip to Pigeon Forge
      We are getting ever closer to our trip on March 15th!  I'm so excited! My brother and sis-in-law may be going as well.  Now... I just need to convince my parents to hop in the van with us!

10. Audition for the Salisbury Symphony
     I have contact information.  Now.... I just have to get the guts to contact them.  But.....what's the worst that can happen?  They don't let me play?  (I'm not playing now!)

11. Write EVERY day.
     I write something every day! One day, I hope to be able to say I write blog posts every day!

12. Start my book.
      I have the idea in my head. How exactly do you get it on paper?

13.  Learn a new skill--like guitar
      I'm still putting this off. I have NO idea why..... I just keep saying, "Maybe next week."  Now it's March!  When will next week come?

14. Go roller skating.
      This scares me.  That's probably why I haven't just done it.  Plus.... I can't take the Princess. She likes to fall and try to break her arm every time she goes skating.

15. Try yoga/meditation.
      I think I have decided to try Yin Yoga.  It looks like it will be best to start with.  Now.... I just have to do it!

16. Enter something in the Cabarrus County Fair craft competition.
      I may have decided to enter a couple of things. I have a couple of scrapbook layouts I really love.  But, I may also enter the photography category too. 

17. Audition for The Voice 
       I just need to pick songs and get someone to do my video. I love singing. This one scares me, but not that badly.

18. Build my Travel Agent Business Paparazzi Business
      The Princess and I have become Paparazzi Jewelry consultants. We love the jewelry.  We decided it would be something we could do together. It's in my name, but she helps me with it. We do live videos on Facebook. Check us out at Jackson's Jamming Jewels.
      You can also check out our online shop here.
      I think this will be better to build, and I get to do it with my kiddo!  I love the extra time with her!

So far, I'm still keeping pretty consistent with my goals.

Some of them need more attention than others.

How are your 2018 goals coming? 


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