
Showing posts from February, 2014

Writing and Baseball

If I want to write over the summer, I need to find clients now.  Why is it that I am having such a hard time bringing myself to apply for these positions?    I see jobs that I can do.  I know that I can do it. I put the jobs on my “watch list”.  Then I watch them until they have been taken by other people. I just need to work up the courage to apply for the jobs I know I can do.  I may see if I can work for the people I wrote for last summer.  If so, I could totally make some serious money this summer.   I found out yesterday that my oldest nephew made the JV baseball team at his school.  I also found out that he plays his first game today against the school where I work.    So….what’s any good aunt to do?  I’m going to go back to watch him play after I pick up the Princess at school and drop off the other girls from carpool.  Then, at 5:30, I’m going to work the ticket gate.  It only makes sense to get pa...

Normal Week

It seems as though we may be in for a “normal” week here in NC.   I haven’t listened this morning, but I don’t think we are expecting any of that strange white precipitation (snow) to fall this week.    The Princess should be getting her softball info this week.  We should know (for sure) the coaches and the team name.  My brother should be one of the coaches, but we never know until after the draft.    Girl Scout cookies (and booths) are in full force.  I feel as though my world is surrounded by them!  And…that could be because they are in 2 of the main rooms of my house—living room and dining room.   I have a couple of meetings this week, so that makes it even more normal.   The countdown for everything is still on.  As soon as we get our softball schedule, we will get to add more things to it… like first practice and first game!    As long as we keep doing what we are doing right now, this w...

Saturday School

I couldn’t let Post 666 stay up all day.  That would have me freaked out forever!    So….  I guess I’m going to say that although I enjoyed all the snow days last week, I hate that we have to make one of them up today---ON A SATURDAY!   The person who came up with this idea must not have to deal with crabby teenagers at 7am on a Saturday morning!   Oh well!  It’s only a half day! Then we have a cookie booth at noon!   Then we get to do nothing (mostly) for the rest of the day.    I’m excited!

Post 666 and Saturday School

I think it’s only fitting that I have to post that I am working on a Saturday today.   Today is post 666.  (Anyone else waiting for the computer to blow up now? LOL) 

Time Flies

I guess since we didn’t have school on Monday, this week has flown by.  However, since we have to make up two of the snow days, we have school tomorrow.  It’s only for 3 hours, so I’m good.  (Just wish it would be later in the day….lol  I’m not fond of mornings!)   All of the girls have come and got their cookies from my house.  The Princess should be able to get her cookies delivered to people this weekend.  Last weekend was crazy and still had ice on the ground.  Yesterday was almost 80 degrees.    Yes, I do live in NC where you can have a snow storm and 80 degrees all in the same week!  The funny thing is that there is still some snow on the ground.  People (including the city and major shopping centers) plowed snow into huge mounds.  It’s melting, but only slightly every day.   We only have two booths this weekend, so it should be an easy weekend.   Countdown Updates: 22 days until the Art ...

Snow Day #3 & 4, President’s Day, Going Back to Work

Snow Day #3 for the year was Thursday of last week.  We actually still had snow falling.  Then all of a sudden, it stopped.  Every school in the 22 surrounding counties (and most all of the schools in the state) were closed that day and Friday!    We ended up with about 8” of snow total!  It was crazy!   Snow Day #4 was Friday!  OMG!  After being stuck at home Wed and Thurs, I was pretty sure that the Princess was going to go nuts!  But, she didn’t. Her teacher sent home assignments. She completed them.  All is right with the world.   Friday night, we had our first Girl Scout Cookie booth.  Saturday we had 3 booths.  Sunday, we rested!     Then….Monday…..  President’s Day.  Wow! That was a heck of a week off!  The Princess had my niece over Sunday night.  That kept her entertained yesterday!   Now….  I’m awake (or so I keep telling myself)!  I’m getting ...


Yesterday was snow day #2. Today is snow day #3 for the year.  On Tuesday, we got out of school early because the snow was coming. It came.  It accumulated. It melted. It was pretty.  By 4pm on Tuesday, most places didn’t have a bit of snow on the ground.   Yesterday, they canceled schools because the snow was coming.  So we waited.  We waited some more.  Finally about 12pm (NOON!) the snow started.  We could have gone another 1/2 day and wouldn’t have to make that day up on a Saturday….but nooooooo!  Once it started, it started accumulating quickly.  We got about 1” of snow per hour.  It snowed until about 7pm last night.  Some times it was slower, so we probably have about 5-6” in my yard.    About 7pm, the sleet and freezing rain started.  That’s what it is still doing now.  So schools called to cancel around 3pm yesterday afternoon for today!   Today, I’m “working from home”.  I do ...

NC Weather

In the state of NC, we rarely get that BIG SNOW. They used to be more common.  We used to get one huge snow a year.  Now, we are lucky if we get one every 2-3 years.    However, schools are cancelled, delayed, or let out early for weather all the time here.  We haven’t heard anything today about our schools, but we shall see.    It’s all about waiting to see what happens.  Sometimes, I think that God is sitting up there showing us HIS sense of humor.  He lets the weather people tell us whatever they want to tell us.  Then HE decides to have some fun with the weather.  (That’s just my 2 cents!)   Countdown Updates: 0 days until I pick up cookies!  TODAY is the day! They are still calling for “weather,” but they are pushing back the start time to later today. My scheduled pick up time is 6pm. So, we shall see.  It should be fine. Tony is going to drive me there so I’m not having to do it alone.  Then ...

Countdown Updates

Sometimes, I feel like it has been forever since I have written here.  I wish I could get my fingers back in the habit of writing ever day.   On top of that, I wish I could get a few writing jobs going so I’ll be set up for this summer.  I don’t want to have to scramble for jobs this summer.  I have some applications in, but I’m just waiting.    Here are my countdowns: 1 day until I pick up about 1000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies—It’s tomorrow.  However, the weather people are calling for snow and ice.  We have been told that we have to pick up cookies no matter what, but I’m not sure I’m “risking my life” to get cookies to my house! (LOL ) 4 days until cookie booths start (2.14) 5 days until my birthday (2.15) 32 days until the Art Gala and Auction at the Princess’s school ~11 weeks until Spring Break starts (April 18th) ~11 weeks until Easter ~14 weeks until EOGs start for the Princess ~16 weeks until Memorial Day ~17 we...

Bring On the Countdowns

You all know I love a good countdown.  I countdown to Christmas, vacation, Friday, the end of the work day…. EVERYTHING!   Well, I think it is part of how I deal with stress.  When I am aggravated about something, being able to countdown to the end of it makes it easier!    So….here are a few countdowns (some are fun/others not so much)! (Some are vaguely close to the real dates….they will get more specific as the time comes!)   5 days until I pick up about 1000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies 8 days until cookie booths start 9 days until my birthday 37 days until the Art Gala and Auction at the Princess’s school ~12 weeks until Spring Break starts (April 18th) ~12 weeks until Easter ~15 weeks until EOGs start for the Princess ~17 weeks until Memorial Day ~19 weeks until school is out!   I’m a little stressed out this year with all the stuff I am doing.  I haven’t been able to scrapbook with my DIVAS since Sept. or Oct....

0 to 60

I guess it would be more accurate to say 9 to 70.  (No! I’m not talking about speeds in a new car!)   During this past week, those have been the temperatures here.  YES! I realize that is a huge gap. YES! I know it sounds crazy! But… YES! I do live in NORTH CAROLINA! You see, in NC, we wear snow boots and shorts in the same week.  We wear sweaters and sunscreen in the same day (sometimes). It’s crazy.   However….  I wouldn’t live anywhere else! I just wish it would level off somewhere in the middle.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE L.O.V.E. LOVE 50-55 degrees.    I guess we shall see what the rest of winter shall hold for us.  I’m hoping we get a REALLY GOOD snow this year.  I’d love to have 4-6”, but I know that everyone will be complaining about when we have to make up the days at school.   For this week, we will stay above freezing (except for a couple of morning lows); we will have lots of rain. We will have a couple...

Perks of Being a Teacher

There are many “perks” to being a teacher. You don’t work during the summer…at least not teaching the kids. You have weekends off…most of the time. You have set hours…again, most of the time. You can actually plan things because you know when you work.   Until today…  okay…. it’s not that bad.   Although I was not thrilled when the alarm went off this morning at 3:30am, I am okay with the fact that I only have to work 3 hours.  We are only teaching TWO classes…. and one of those classes is my planning period!     So… Saturday School isn’t horrible today.  I may complain more next time!