
Showing posts from March, 2011

Trying Something New

A while back, I saw this tutorial online about Sewing Ribbon Dish Towels.  Click here to go to the tutorial. I follow Aesthetic Nest and she had this on her site. So finally last night, I got the stuff from Wal-Mart to try this.  Hopefully I will remember to put pics of the finished product online.    I’m just trying to find something that I like to do.  I  really wish I could sew (or do something) well enough to sell the stuff so I could bring some money in.  I just need to find something that I can do well.    Any suggestions?


NOTE: I wrote this in my little 5x7 notebook that I keep in my purse on Sunday. Sometimes my temper gets the best of me. Okay! A lot of times! Sometimes it's because I really have something to be mad about. Sometimes it's because of stress. Sometimes it's because I let a million little things pile up on me. But, sometimes, it's really for no reason at all. Today, it was a combination of all of those. However, I really feel as though I handled myself well. First, I really don't feel well. Between what I'm figuring is my 2nd sinus infection in 2011--gotta love being allergic to everything--and what I think is an ear infection in my left ear, I feel lousy! I really feel like crap! I just want to sleep because that's the only time I don't feel the pressure in my head and ears. Secondly, Chasity decided to tell us today (Sunday) that another boy in her class is picking on her for being WHITE! Seriously! I call it bullying and I have a problem with her

It Arrived Yesterday!

Tony had to work late, so I took Chasity to gymnastics alone yesterday. It's not a problem. All I do is sit and watch her anyways. However, he and I normally go together to watch her! She loves to be watched! :) Anyways, I was turning into the drive way and Tony was at the top of the hill checking the mail. We have one of those community mail boxes where there are several boxes together and we all have a key. I saw a large white envelope in his hand. I said, "Is that for me?" He said, "Leslie Jackson." I said, "Is it from the State of NC?" He said, "Maybe!" I shouted, "GIVE IT TO ME!" I opened (without much patience, but making sure not to tear the contents) the envelope. Sure enough.... on the inside was a letter of congratulations and my NC Standard Professional I teaching license! (I have to teach for 3 years and get good reviews from Principals and some other stuff to get the Professional II license!!) I'm so excite

Seeing It From Both Sides

When something happens at Chasity's school, I really try to see it from both sides. I try to see it as a mom and as a teacher. Naturally, I see it more as a mom when Chasity is involved. Last week, Chasity came home from school saying that a girl in her class had been picking on her. The girl was telling Chasity "I'm smarter than the whole class. You don't know anything." "I have my own phone and computer. Your parents don't love you if they don't give you things." So I told Chasity that she needed to let the teacher know when things like that happened. Also, I told her that if the girl did it again I would let the teacher know. The MAIN thing I said was that her dad and I love her enough to share our phone and computer with her. We don't try to buy her love by giving her things that she doesn't need right now. I also promised her that as soon as she needed her own computer...we'd get her one. When she needed (or we thought

A Year Ago

A year ago this past Friday, I was informed that my Grandmother only had about a week to live. A year ago this past Saturday, I came home from my student teaching in tears and decided to take an Incomplete. A year ago yesterday, we took Grandmother off of all her feeding tubes and machines that were keeping her alive. We only left the oxygen. That means that a year ago this coming Saturday, my Grandmother went home to see her dad, her mom, and her Heavenly Father! A year ago, I was not sure I wanted to be a teacher any more. Today...I'm pretty sure I'm crazy for wanting to be a teacher, but I know I can do it. A year ago, I had no idea how strong I could really be. Today...I'm still not strong every day, but I know I can be when I need to! I know that God only puts on us what we can stand. So I know that I can do whatever I have to do!

Spring Break 2011

Well....this week is UNCC's Spring Break! So I have no homework!! BUT... I do have assignments that I can be working on, so I think I'll get to those a little later! However... I'm not spending my Spring Break as a BREAK! What all do I have to do? Girl Scout Cookie paperwork....YES! We are finished selling cookies and we sold them ALL! There are NO cookies left! Baseball practice...right now it's twice a week. At the end of the month, the games will start on Saturdays. That means that we will only have Tuesday practices. Gymnastics...every Wednesday! Chasity is loving it! I'm so glad! She rocks!! :) She is already talking about next year there! Girl Scouts...every Thursday. All of my girls survived through Cookie Season, so I'm thinking they are going to be here for the long haul! We are planning our end of the year stuff. We are looking at our overnight trip! We still have to plan the sleepover at our meeting location! I think we will be good to

Magic Treehouse Books

NO...this is NOT a sponsored post. Although, I wish it were! :) Anyways.... I have loved the Magic Treehouse Series since I read one of them about 7 years ago. I have wanted Chasity to read them since she started reading. However, she's not a "take a suggestion" type reader. So, I had to wait for her to discover them for herself! She did! She loves them!! So...she has read a few of them already. What she doesn't know is that I went on eBay and ordered a LOT of like 14 of them for her. They should be there this week or weekend. She's going to FLIP! :) I'm so excited when I can do things like this for her.