New Friends

So.. those of you who know me know that I make new friends all the time. I really talk to strangers just so I have someone to talk to. (Anyone been to Wally World with me knows this!) So, I have made a couple new "blogger friends". One of those is "C. Beth Blog"; she writes Musings of A Happy Mommy. She has amusing things happen that happen to all of us. However... those of us to whom they have happened seem to only laugh when it is someone else going through it.

She also has another blog that I absolutely love. If you know anything about me (and you should), you know that I eat, sleep, dream, and breathe writing. I would rather write something than tell you. I'd rather send email than call you. I'd rather send a letter than meet you at the mall....etc. etc. etc. So.... I was browsing around one day and found the One Minute Writer. She says, "You have 1440 minutes in each day. Use one of them to write." So I have a couple of posts that I have commented on by posting to her blog. I think I may expand on some of them here every now and then. However... some of them, I can only write about for ONE MINUTE! lol

Another new thing that I have found recently is called Cake Wrecks. We have all seen them. Now, someone has posted a blog about them. You really have to see them for yourself. Just go look! It's very addictive!

So, that's some of my new "friends" that I have found.... and a couple of my favorite sites. Check them out sometime!

Until next time........


Lynne said…
You know many folk that migrated from AOL had concerns about this blogger concept, but I think it is pretty cool and actually widens your ability to meet others. I like the One Minute Writer too!
C. Beth said…
Aww, thank you for the shout-out! Awesome! :)

God bless,
Lyndsay said…
Awww, Beth is one of my blogging buddies too! Good taste ;)

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