Vacation Finished
Yesterday was a day of traveling! We got up early and left Hilton Head.
However….we did not head straight home. Tony’s brother and sister’s grandmother died. (They are his step-siblings!) We went through Laurens, SC to pay our respects to the family. We didn’t get to see many people—most had to work until the funeral tomorrow. But, we got to see their mom. We haven’t seen her since the Princess was about 3-4 (maybe 5). We really should make time to see the family more.
I had told my mom we were going through there, but I had not called my dad. About 1/2 way there, I got a text from Dad asking if we were coming home. That meant a lot. It meant he missed us.
So I texted to let him know what was going on.
As soon as we got into town, I called my mom. We came home, unloaded, and went to their house. Really? You thought I’d do anything else first? NO WAY! I’m glad when we go on our next vacation that my parents will be going with us. When you spend 2-3 nights a week hanging out with them, it’s hard to be away from them. (I worry about them so much!)
Anyways…. today, I have done nothing. I rested from my vacation. However…. I am getting ready to go drop my van off so that the body shop can fix the scratch that was supposed to be fixed in March! (This is my 3rd trip to Salisbury to have it fixed!) Then I am going to get all my information put on my NEW phone! SOOOOOOOOOO excited about it! Can’t wait to have a phone (of mine—not borrowed) that works. I promise NOT to throw it from a moving vehicle!
I hope to post pics of vacation tomorrow! OR…at least some of them!