ABCs of Homeschooling: According to Me

 There are a million-and-one things that go into homeschooling. Over the past four years, I have been making notes about the things we have needed, wanted, gotten, or gotten rid of in our homeschool. 

Enjoy the ABCs of Homeschooling according to Leslie. (Please note that some letters may have more than one thing!  

A--Attitude; Art supplies; Art classes

B--Books; Binders; Boldness; Bowling Balls

C--Curriculum; Conferences; Computer; Compassion; Curiosity; Calculator; Classes

D--Desk; Dinner; Dining Room; Decisions; Dishes


F--Faith; Fun; Family; Flashlights; Forgiveness; Fairness

G--Goals; Grace; God; Google

H--Humility; Help; Home; Hot Chocolate; Honesty

I--Integrity; Intensity; Imagination

J--Jammies; Jokes

K--Kids; Kindness; Kidding

L--Library Card; Love; Lesson Plans; Learning

M--Mentor; Mind; Mental Health

N--Notebooks; Neatness; Niceness; Noise; Notes

O--Openness; Open-mindedness; Outings; Obedience 

P--Pencils; Pens; Paper; Parents; People; Places; Pressure; Patience

Q--Quiet; Questions; Quilts; Quickness

R--Reason; Rights; Respectfulness; Respect; Responsibility; Rest

S--Storage; Shelves; Shoes; Support System; Sleep

T--Timer; Tenacity; Time; Team

U--Understanding; Umbrella

V--Vision; Vacation; Volunteer Hours

W--Willingness; Will Power

X--eXtreme Patience; eXplanations


Z--Zzzzzz (yes, sleep, again!)

All of these together make our homeschool the best it can be!

What are the ABCs to your homeschool, virtual school, or public school? 


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