Blog Planning


If I have said it once, I've said it a million times, I love writing. I want to be able to make a living at it. I would love to build this blog so that it will make money.

How do I do that? 

There are several ways, but getting consistent with writing, planning out my posts, and getting consistent views are some of the ways. 

Obviously, if I am consistent with my writing, the views will come. In order to be consistent in writing, I have to get my posts planned.

I have a notebook with a list and several planned out posts. Do I actually sit and type them? NO! Should I? YES! 

Here are some thoughts about planning:


--Post Ideas 

                Don't get me wrong; I have ideas. I just don't always write them down, and then I lose them. 


                I need to learn about affiliates, web hosting, and pictures/images/videos (watermarking my stuff). I also need to learn how to change platforms from the free one I am currently using to another one that I can do more stuff on. AND, I need to learn how to use Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for my blog. I need to learn SEO so I can get traffic/views on the blog. Finally, I need to learn how to plan my time so that I can be consistent. (That word keeps popping up!)

Photo from here.

Suggestions from my online research: (You all know how much I love to do research!  It's fun!!)

--Pick a Niche

                    Lifestyle (I think this is me)




                    What is my niche?

--Pick a Name

                    I did that already. The World According to Leslie. Naturally, this is how I see the world.

--List 100 topics/options for posts

                    I started this. I actually have 115, but I have others in my head that never make it to paper.  I numbered my paper (pages in a composition book) to 100. It took 4 pages and a few lines on a 5th page. I wrote everything that came to mind. Then I wrote things that spawned from those ideas. I just kept listing things. (This Blog Planning post was idea #8!)

 --Plan posts

                    On page 6 of the composition book, I begin planning out a post. Then when I completed that, I started a plan for another on the following page. I planned over a dozen posts. 

--Start writing!

                    This should be the easy part, but it never is. I feel like I am dull. I feel like I need more substance to what I am saying. I feel like I use the word I a lot! I try to keep the writing interesting and moving so that others want to read it, but it does not always happen that way. 

Photo from here.


I need suggestions.

In the comments (if you've made it this far), tell me what you would like me to write about. What topics interest you?


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